Biking in Acadia

This gallery contains 5 photos.

  On May 15th Troop 1 had a great weekend in Acadia Maine. The weather was fantastic  for a 26 mile bike ride through the park to Bar harbor and back to camp.

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Epic Camping

This gallery contains 10 photos.

Epic weekend of camping! With snow, sleet, freezing temps and cub scouts….. the Troop 1 Scouts prevailed!  

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Moose River Maine

This gallery contains 9 photos.

In July Troop 1 loaded up the trailers with canoes and equipment for a canoe trip along the Moose River in Jackman Maine. In typical fashion the trip was filled with rainy/windy days with a few breaks of blazing sun. … Continue reading

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Congratulations to Nick and Tim for completing the week long National Youth Leadership Training Program


The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what he must KNOW, and what he must DO. The key elements are then taught with a clear focus on HOW TO. The skills come alive during the week as the patrol goes on a Quest for the Meaning of Leadership.

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Summer Camp 2014

Troop 1 enjoyed another year at Camp resolute again. With 26 scouts and 4 leaders attending it was a very busy week. Scouts worked hard on advancement earning over 100 merit badges and rank advancements.IMG_0028 IMG_0029 IMG_0030 IMG_0035 IMG_0038

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Nobscot Trip

Last weekend, September  27-29, the Troop 1 Stow took a trip to Nobscot Reserve. A total of six scouts, joined by four adults, went to Nobscot. When we arrived we all hiked in, and rested in leantos for the night. The next morning we made some breakfest, and started our day. Once we were all awake we worked with a younger scout to get some advancment done. Then we proceeded to throw some tomahawks. Pretty soon it was lunch time, and we made some lunch. After that we took a relaxing three mile hike. When we got back to the campsite we rested for a bit, and then started a warm and cozy fire, and made some tortalini and homemade alfredo sauce. Finally we burned though all the wood, and had a very good last nights sleep. Over all the campout went very well with the small numbers, it made us all work together.

Jethro Trail Leantos

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Nantucket 2013

This was a whole new experience for Troop 1! Despite inclement weather this was a trip that scouts will remember.

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Summer Camp 2013

Another great camp week at Resolute! With 27 scouts attending they were able to earn over 100 merit badges and 15 rank advancements. As a team they placed first in the Aquatics meet, first in Resolute Quest and first in the Apache! Great Job Men!

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High Honors

Congratulations to Troop 1 Stow Eagle Scout Jack Slattery

 Receipent of the Knox Trail Council’s Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award.

Jack is the 1st scout in Knox Trail Council to receive this award.

Jack produced a video documenting a day in the life of a 19th century schoolhouse for the Stow Historical Society.  You can view the video here:

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