
Troop 1 Eagle Scout Honor Roll

Most Recent Eagle: 06/2024 (96 Eagles since original charter)

The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Boy Scouts and a great honor. Troop 1 Stow has a much higher than average rate of Eagles; the national norm is that about 4% of all scouts become Eagles, but for us, it is about 10%.

Here is the list of Stow Troop 1 Eagle Scouts

No. Date Name Eagle Service Project
1 01/01/32 Wetherbee, Clifford Projects not required during this period
2 01/01/32 Patterson, Robert Projects not required during this period
3 01/01/44 Carvill, Gordon Projects not required during this period
4 01/01/60 Carbary, Forrest Projects not required during this period
5 01/01/62 Ousley, Douglas Projects not required during this period
6 01/01/63 Head, John J. Projects not required during this period
7 01/01/65 Piecewicz, Walter M. Projects not required during this period
8 01/01/65 Ware, William B. Projects not required during this period
9 01/01/66 Ousley, David A. Projects not required during this period
10 01/01/74 Alving, Todd Refurbished and rebuilt disposal units around town
11 01/01/74 Wendell, Jeff Implemented a bicycle maintenance and safety education program
12 01/01/83 Walrath, David Catalogued information about Stow veterans
13 01/01/84 Benoit, John Paul Marble Hill: Blazed trail; Built 16 signs
14 01/01/84 Bernklow, Gary Prepared, refitted, and refinished trash barrels in Stow
15 01/01/90 Curtis, Jack Created maps of Bolton for use by emergency vehicles
16 01/01/91 Kunselman, David Built and installed bird houses near Ministers Pond
17 01/01/94 Kavaleski, Michael Conducted a local diaper drive
18 01/01/94 Li, Kevin Marked trails in Stow Town Forest
19 01/01/95 Casabona, Anthony Created parking area for the Old West School in Stow
20 01/01/95 Li, Christopher Create map sign for Sargent Farm conservation land
21 01/01/96 Kunselman, Robert  Build and install bird houses in Minister Pond
22 01/01/97 Langenwalter, Keith Built  and installed bat houses in Gardner Hill Nature area
23 01/01/97 Li, Gregory Created topographical map of the Delaney Project
24 01/01/97 Walsh, Brian Catalogued and re-bound books at Nashoba Regional HS
25 01/01/00 Hofmann, Wil Installed signs at several conservation properties in Stow
26 01/01/00 Hyde, David Built information board at the Stow Town Forest
27 01/01/00 Lauritano, Steven Landscaped area and painted outside of Town garage
28 01/01/00 Wood, John Landscaped Union Church included planting of new shrubs
29 01/01/00 Wood, Michael Refinished and painted five classrooms at Union Church
30 03/28/02 Amos, Barrett Built Log Cabin environmental classroom near Hale
31 05/06/02 Samson, Mitch Renovated and landscaped Plantation Apartments
32 05/06/02 Welch, Alex Built board walk connecting Center and Hale Schoolds
33 10/08/03 Amos, Duncan Built benches and signs at  Memorial Fields(Bradley Lane)
34 10/08/03 Tamker, Ben Built sign and path for Kalousdian Wildlife Sanctuary
35 11/18/03 Bawn, Andrew Installed signs and info kiosk for Pine Bluff Recreation area
36 11/18/03 Maloney, Patrick Built bird blind between Center and Hale schools
37 11/25/03 Tyler, David Built two floating rafts for Stow Town Beach at Pine Bluff
38 08/30/04 Cutting, Andrew Renovated St. Isidore’s Church kitchen
39 08/30/04 Trinkaus-Randall, Chris Constructed soccer backboard at Pine Bluff Recreation Area
40 09/09/04 Makary, Shane Mapped gravesites at Lower Village Cemetery on kiosk
41 12/13/04 Debenedetto, Josh Installed bike rack and emergency signs at Hale School
42 12/13/04 Ruggiero, Casey Mapped gravesites at Hillside Cemetery on kiosk
43 01/17/05 Sangermano, Michael Built map boxes for trail junctions in town forest
44 02/21/05 Blanton, Robert Marked trails, built kiosk at Grace Baptist Church
45 05/23/05 Bolton, Timothy Repaired vandalized gazebo at Hale School
46 05/23/05 Kerr, Cameron Built benches for Stow Town Beach at Pine Bluff
47 09/27/05 Peters, Jonathan Landscaped yard at local church, as well as planted shrubs
48 12/01/05 Hogan, Connor Designed and built baseball dugout at Hale School
49 12/01/05 Sacra, Scott M Landscaped and installed table and fencing at Flagg Hill
50 12/20/05 Tyler, Geoffrey Renovated W Acton Rd garage into a conservation classroom
51 04/18/06 Bernklow, Michael Created brochure detailing historical markers at Fort Devens
52 06/28/06 Langelo, Ben Built  bird houses and new signs for Headway Lifecourse
53 06/02/09 Blanton, Dan Created kiosks at trail junctions in Town Forest
54 06/26/10 Gjeltema, Peter J. Built park bench overlooking Pine Bluffs
55 08/11/10 Paladini, Daniel S. Built info kiosk at Timberedge entrance to town forest
56 12/28/10 Zelle, Jason Built and installed tennis backboard at Snow recreation property
57 08/03/11 Michael Piantedosi Landscaped property at school for special needs students
58 09/13/11 Ethan Rejto Landscaped and cleared access to Boxboro skating pond
59 11/30/11 John Slattery III Produced and directed documentary about Old West School
60 05/10/12 Harrison Krantz Built informational kiosk at Stow Community Park
61 06/26/12 Erick Benoit Updated landscaping and drainage at Stow Fire Station
62 09/04/12 Zachary Gjeltema Refurbished pump house at Pine Bluffs beach area
63 10/16/12 Peters,Christopher Built new stairs and hand railing at Pine Bluffs Beach access
64 07/02/13 Benoit, Kevin James Constructed “Magazu’s Landing” at Assabet on Sudbury Rd
65 12/01/13 Glauner, Matthew Information kiosk at Track Road
66 05/17/14 Traverse, Luke Built Gazebo and landscaped his church property in Sudbury
67 09/14/14 Gross, Liam Built picnic tables at Tuttle lane community gardens
68 11/26/14 Taft, Thomas Sign denoting Red Acre Village on Red Acre Rd
69 12/16/14 Perkins, Jack Built and installed picnic tables at Nashoba Regional
70 07/02/15 Benoit, Timothy Built Police recognition monument and cemetery markers
71 08/06/15 Travalent, Michael Painted and refurbished parts of Randall Library
72 12/15/15 Nick Doiron Built raised garden bed and bench at Plantation Apts
73 12/15/15 Chris Doiron Built kayak rack and paddle storage box at town beach
74 02/04/16 Aidan Gross Picnic area in Stow Town Forest
75 08/16/16 Garrett Magnussen Gaming table and patio at Plantation Apartments
76 11/15/16 Jim Ervin Boardwalk on Red Acre conservation land
77 11/02/17 Noah Travalent Boardwalk over swamp at Kunelius land
78 11/02/17 Max Buchholz Construction of information kiosk at Pine Bluff
79 03/28/18 Eli Bachtell Picnic tables and grills at town beach
80 05/15/18 Quinn Gross Boardwalk in Sheppard Memorial Woodland
81 10/10/18 Edmund Burke Pop-up library at town beach
82 11/14/18 Connor Bernklow Flag retirement box/ceremonial fire ring at Community Center
83 12/04/19 Luke Piotte New signs at Pine Bluffs
84 02/27/20 Christian Eld New kiosk at community garden on Tuttle Lane
85 05/21/20 Liam Hall New kiosk at Small Farm
86 05/21/20 Jude Porter Gaga pit at Pine Bluffs
87 11/23/20 Dylan Gross Wildlife area fencing for study
88 12/09/20 Matt Ervin Boardwalk between Center and Hale
89 12/15/21 Drew Abrutyn Boardwalk over wetlands
90 12/15/21 Ethan Henry Benches at Leggett Property
91 08/17/22 Andrew Sears Refurbish Gazebo at Hale School
92 12/05/22 Jack Peterson Created veteran’s honor book
93 06/05/23 Ben Doty Foot bridge, green trail in Stow Town Forest
94 09/20/23 Ronan Wheeler Boardwalk in Stow Town Forest
95 12/04/23 Max Valentino Foot bridge at Marble Hill
96 06/19/24 Robert Emken Kiosks on conservation land

Some Eagle Project Photos

Kevin Benoit

4 Responses to Eagles

  1. Craig A Wetherbee says:

    Just a point of interest; I never heard of my farther, Cliff Wetherbee, referred to as a JR. He may have been, but I don’t think so. Not a big deal, just thought I would mention it.

  2. gary says:

    Thanks, Craig. I found no reference to a “Jr.” either, so I’ve changed it to “Clifford A.” instead. My guess is that someone wrote it down somewhere like that and it has stayed that way for years. Thanks for the note.

    Gary Bernklow

  3. I am an eagle scout. I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent in the scouting program. Especially learning about camping essentials. Lots of valuable skills and fun times!

  4. Joyce Wetherbee says:

    Thanks so much for requesting information about Clifford Wetherbee. We were quite surprised. We are pleased that Keith and Craig Austin Wetherbee were able to give input into their fathers life. We just recently lost Keith and this means alot to find this on the internet. Thanks again. Craig’s wife Joyce December 2012

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